How To Add All Friends To Facebook Group At Once 2017

Friends today in this article I am going to teach you how can you add all of your friends to your Facebook group in just 1 minute it is maximum minutes if you have around 50 friends and if you have more friends then it can take about 2-3 minutes so I think that it is not too much time for adding all friends to a Facebook group and if you add your friends one by one then it will take about 6-8 minutes for adding just 50 friends and if you have more friends then your time will be multiplied. Adding all friends to a group is a very boring and time wasting process and if you are going to add your all friends in a group in just one minute then it is not a very difficult method just follow my steps and you are have done.

How To Add All Facebook Friends? (How It Works)
So, in this post, I am going to share a code/script which you can use to add all your friends to any Group on Facebook. It doesn’t matter if the Group is your’s or other’s, this script will work for all Facebook Groups.

How To Add All Friends To Facebook Group At Once 2017

First of all login to your account from which you want to add friends to a group.
Open the Group in which you will add the friends.

Click on any empty space, then press the F12 key on your keyboard to open the Developers Window. If you are using Google Chrome the press F12 OR "Ctrl + Shift + J" and if you are on Firefox then press "Ctrl + Shift + K" to open the Console Windows.
There select Console Tab.

Now click on the link given below and copy all the code then paste the code onto the Console Box which we had opened in the previous step.

• This code is safe and 100% working.

Important Message: Friends, when you will open the console tab there will be written that do not paste any code here this, may damages or spam your Facebook account you need not worry this code will not damage your account you can do this on my surety it is 100% safe.

When you successfully paste the code press Enter Key.

Now its patience time, Keep patience for some time until all of your friends are being added in the group.

My dear visitors if you try this method and you have any kind of problem then feel free to ask my either using Contact form or you can also use the comment form to ask I am always happy to help you.

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